NRA Advanced Certified Coach Course – Level 3

For the first time since 2020, there will be an NRA Level 3 Coach Course.

The course will take place August 25-27 at The X Count.

The course will be taught by Gregg Rice. Coach Rice has co-taught the course twice. He is licensed by the ISSF. Coach Rice is an Advanced Coach through USA Shooting, an NRA Level 4 Coach and a member of the National Coach Development Staff. He is the Assistant Coach for the US Paralympic Rifle and Pistol Team. Gregg Rice is the co-founder, president, and head coach at The X Count.

Advanced Certified Coach (Level 3)

The NRA Advanced Certified Coach (Level 3) is the highest level coach certified by the NRA and its coach education partners. The coach has received advanced training and meets the highest requirements that NRA and its coach education partners have established for certification. The Advanced Certified Coach (Level 3) is recognized to coach advanced athletes and is eligible to work at the international level in Junior Olympic Shooting Camps and other USA Shooting sponsored international shooting programs.

Coaches applying to for Advanced Certification (Level 3) should have coached athletes who have achievements at the National Level. They should have the mindset of a lifelong learner. A growth mindset for both you and your athletes is most beneficial in producing results with athletes. Certification will be awarded at the end of class at the descretion of the instctructor based upon these principals.

Participant Information

Coaching Philosophy

Please use this space to describe your shooting philosphy. This should include a description of the coach athlete relationship as well as how you currently motivate/discipline athletes.

Accomplishments of Highest Performing Athletes

Please list the name and significant accomplishments of your highest performing athletes.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Ensure this entry complies with the competition criteria, including a 300 dpi resolution and 1920 x 1080 pixels dimensions.