The X Count is proud to say that our staff is extremely qualified and passionate about preserving our freedom by providing top-notch firearm safety education and training.
Gregg Rice:
- International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) Licensed
- NRA National Coach Development Staff (NCDS)
- USA Shooting Advanced Coach
- ISSF Level 1 Referee
- Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Counselor
- NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
- Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) Range Officer
- 4H Rifle Instructor
Diane Rice:
- Certificate in Fundraising Management from the IUPUI Lilley Family School of Philanthropy
- Level 1 Rifle Coach
- NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
- Refuse to be a Victim Instructor
About our certifications and affiliations:
International Shooting Sport Federation:
The International Shooting Sport Federation is the governing body of the Olympic Shooting events in rifle, pistol, and shotgun disciplines, as well as several non-Olympic Shooting sport events.
NRA Coach Development:
The National Coach Development (NCDS) is a volunteer network of coaches that hail from all across the United States in all of the shooting sports disciplines. This elite shooting staff is the backbone of the nation’s shooting coach programs, teaching and fostering growth at all levels of the sport.
USA Shooting Coach Academy:
The Mission of the USA Shooting Coach Academy is to build a future pipeline of trained coaches in the Olympic shooting sports by providing an easy to access, standardized, quality coach education program of proven practices, knowledge base, a network of content experts/mentors, and quality coach instructors.
BSA Merit Badge Counselors:
A well-qualified Merit Badge Counselor can enhance a youth’s attention span through effective communication, which leads to a better understanding of the subject, productive discussions, and true interest. A bond of mutual respect often develops when a Sout feels confident to offer thoughts and opinions through meaningful conversations with a Merit Badge Counselor. Thus, a Scout grows in social skills and self-reliance as a result of interacting with an adult who is a qualified counselor. The Merit Badge Counselor Agrees to follow the requirements of the recognition, making no deletions or additions, ensuring the advancement standards are fair and uniform for all Scouts.
NRA Range Safety Officers:
The NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) program was developed in response to the demand for a nationally-recognized range safety officer certification. To become an NRA Range Safety Officer, one must pass the RSO course and demonstrate that one possesses the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
CMP Range Officer:
The CMP Range Officer Training program was developed by the CMP to provide training and structured on-the-range work experiences to prepare interested persons to serve as qualified Range Officers in CMP-sponsored and sanctioned competitions. There are three levels of instruction, and certification in four different shooting disciplines.
4-H Shooting Sports:
The objective of the 4-H Shooting Sports Education program is to teach the safe use of archery and firearm equipment while helping youth grow and develop into happy, healthy, and contributing adults.
Lilley Family School of Philanthropy:
The IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy is the first school in the world dedicated to the study and practice of philanthropy. They have set the standards for this academic focus and have been evolving, shaping, and guiding them ever since. Graduates go on to greatly influence education, health, the environment, religion, social services, arts, culture, and much more. As the School continues to foster the volunteer spirit and acts of giving, they ensure that those in need do not remain in need.
Refuse To Be A Victim:
The NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim program teaches women techniques to use in dangerous situations to avoid criminal attacks. Seminars are held across the nation and are open to individuals of all ages. Thousands of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials and civilians from across the nation utilize this popular program in their crime prevention and community policing initiatives to help protect their communities.